Goin’ Through Changes

  • Post last modified:September 7, 2021

Hi there! It’s me, Grace, dropping in with a little bit of housekeeping. It’s not too terribly important, but a change I felt I had to note anyways.

Back in high school, a few friends and I decided we wanted to create a literary magazine specifically for small artists. I was the coordinator of most of it, as I was the only one with design practice and Adobe suite skills. The other few helped me with the editorial process of choosing what works to feature. It was an amazing learning experience, and I think it was also the first time I realized that my interests went beyond just writing. I loved the organization, I loved the mixing of mediums, and most of all, I loved the feeling of having so many people want to collaborate on this small and seemingly insignificant project.

Of course, then college happened — you know how that goes. This site sat dormant for a while.

When I got the reminder that it was time to renew our domain name, I thought about it. Why couldn’t I try out creating some stuff on my own? I didn’t need others in order to make something. In fact, there were a lot of good things about working on my own.

A few years on and this is 9th Street — most definitely a personal site, and not a magazine. It’s evolved a lot in this time, and I think it’s finally time to give it a name that won’t confuse everyone.

All that is to say: You can now find 9th Street at 9thstreetbooks.com. I think it fits a little better, don’t you?




P.S. — I hope you heard the Big Mouth theme song when you first read the title.

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